Memorial Day at the Drake Estate

For some reason I can't recall, I was not in town last Memorial Day. Greek Easter perhaps? Regardless I missed my now annual trip to Jamie's East Hampton home. It's always the perfect kick off to the summer with much relaxing, constant amusement and endless champagne.

This year was no different. I brought Olivia with me (and we got one of the couple's rooms!) and we broke bread with Jamie, Larry, Theo, Rod and Chris, who drove up from Savannah for the weekend.
Friday evening was dinner en famille at home.

Saturday Olivia and I were up at 7:30 and in the pool at 8.
We then had a divine chicken curry lunch on the terrace followed by a visit from a golden horse!
Some of the boys went to the opening of the Hermes pop up shop and brought back amazing balloons we used for an impromptu photo shoot.
Later we gussied up for cocktails at a benefit in Bridgehampton for Miracle House. After cocktails we had an intimate dinner for 30 (!) at the house.
We all had a grand time meeting fun new people and boozing up entre nous. Rebecca Field was a guest and I told her I would never forget her feature in Popcorn Magazine in Atlanta with her platform sneakers that spelled "YO YO" on the soles. She was amazed I remembered that one. Can't get one past me!

Sunday morning Olivia and I slept in late, I got dolled up in a running outfit and then Chris and Rod took us in town for some shopping and to buy a NYT since I made the Style Section with Austin Scarlett. Hoorah!
Where does the running come in? They dropped me off a ways from the house and I ran back. I got something accomplished...
More pool side relaxing during the afternoon and then a low key dinner at a friends house that evening with 15 people.
We arrived home around 10:30 and all went to bed! Are we getting old? Olivia and I rented Auntie Mame on Netflix and watched it till we passed out. Divine.

Monday morning we woke at 10am and I was sick as a dog. Too much food/booze/entertainment? Not sure but I hardly slept. We finished Mame, packed our bags, had some down time at the pool and house, then packed up the car and tiddled back to town.

Thank you Mr. Drake for another swell weekend. Can't wait for 4th of July.