Fergus unleashed on Sullivan's Island

 We are down here in Charleston for Claire and Marco's baby shower. More on that soon! But this mawnin' Claire and I took the dawgs to Sullivan's Island for a good run. They can be off leash as long as they have proper tags from the city so I borrowed Digs' blue collar and wrapped it around Fergus' little leather collar.

Boy did we have fun! And the best part was that (for the most part) Fergus came to me when I called. Treats didn't hurt either. All dogs were good and bath time afterwards at Claire's wasn't too hard.

That was at 9:30am and at 6:14pm they are still lazing about the house. See more below. Enjoy.

 Dizzy waiting for a treat

 Fergus' first glance of the ocean!

 New friend
 Sand castle!
 Chasing new friend
 Clearly friend is winning
 To the waves!
 Upon reflection...
 Getting used to it
 Big boy
 My favorite landscape...
 Preggers Claire
 Check out the graphic art in the sand-
 Treat time
 Jelly fish. Wouldn't that make a fab charger?
Fort Sumter where the first shots of the Civil War were fired.